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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Some old fruit. There's a little gothic humor in this ceramic composition of animated tangerines. Beyond that, though, my concern is for the pattern of the shapes, and for the relationship between the negative and positive forms. 

And here are some details. I like to be able to see the tool marks in clay processes- to me it is the equivalent of the brushstroke in a painting. 

My distorted self portrait. It began as a drawing on illustration board in which I exaggerated my own proportions. I then cut and reassembled the pieces of the drawing, mounting them in a three-dimensional collage that further distorts the image. 

This one has it's own sense of humor- I call it "The Impostor."

An old piece- this was an early exploration of conveying the idea of movement in space. It also got me thinking about how to create an assemblage piece from found objects.

In the vein of abstracting architectural form, I formed this piece out of heavy paper stock. It is intended as a mobile, a four-section, hanging piece, but the images here are views of the two halves of the piece, one from the outside, where the forms are positive, the other from the inside, where the forms are negative.

Some architectural modeling- The first example is a realistic attempt to design a complex architectural form given the environmental circumstances of a steep grade. While the piece is more compositional than functional, it does not contain the abstractions of the second piece, which is based off of architectural form but modified and rearranged to form a more dynamic composition.